
lvalue and rvalue In C++11

C++ Universal Reference

Posted by Jiayi.Liu on January 31, 2022

lvalue and rvalue in C++

With C++11 and the introducing of “move” semantic, it is important to understand rvalue and “rvalue reference”, which is a necessaty for C++ move semantics.


What is lvalue and rvalue

Original Definition

An lvalue is an expression e that may appear on the left or on the right hand side of an assignment, whereas an rvalue is an expression that can only appear on the right hand side of an assignment.

A More Useful Definition

An lvalue is an expression that refers to a memory location and allows us to take the address of that memory location via the & operator. An rvalue is an expression that is not an lvalue.

Why Do We Need rvalue Reference

The most important use case for rvalue reference is to implement “move” semantics. The original assign or copy constructor takes a lvalue reference as input and will copy all underlying resource.

In order to overload the old assign/copy constructor and allow a direct “swap” of underlying resource without copy all of them, we introduced a new input type so we can explicitly favor the “swap/move” constructor.

  • Assign constructor with lvalue reference: X& X::operator=(X const & rhs)
  • Assign constructor with rvalue reference: X& X::operator=(X&& rhs) so when a rvalue reference is passed, it will only invoke this constructor.

It is possible that a class has only implemented the “move” constructor then when programmer tries to copy the object without move, it will be a compiling error.

How To Get rvalue Reference

C++11 introduced std::move just to transform a lvalue to rvalue. It is basically recommended to use std::move whenever you can.

Universal Reference

References declared with && that may be either lvalue references or rvalue references may bind to anything. Such unusually flexible references deserve their own name, which is called universal references.

Perfect Forwarding

In Thomas Becker’s tutorial, the problem for perfect forwarding has been raised.

To achieve perfect forwarding, the function should

  1. Does not make copy of the input arguments (should take reference as input) if it does not have to
  2. Can take both rvalue reference and lvalue reference as input
  3. The solution should scale well with multiple arguments (we don’t want to create overload for all const & non-const reference combinations)
  4. Allow move semantics (the internal view of the passed argument can be rvalue reference)