Design A Rate Limiter

System Design - An Insiders's Guide - Chapter Four Notes

Posted by Jiayi.Liu on September 24, 2023

Where To Put A Rate Limiter

It seems like a good idea to always start with the simplist “client <–> server” model (only 2 component, a client and a server). So a rate limiter can be implemented in

  1. The client side
  2. The server side
  3. In between of client <–> server

Today in many cloud based design (microservices) the rate limiter is implemented in the “API GateWay” layer, which is a layer between client and server for security and authentication. The API gateway may sounds similar as a load balancer but they are different

  • API Gateway - focus on authentication and security, most cloud provider allows setting rate limitting rules as well
  • Load Balancer - focus on distributing client requests to servers


  • Token Bucket : every request cost a token, tokens are filled with constant rate, tokens can be accumulated up to the bucket size to allow bursting traffic
    • Pros -
      • allows bursting traffic
      • memory effcient – only need to store the current token count
    • Cons -
      • two parameters (bucket size + refill rate) making it harder to tune
  • Leaking Bucket : a new request is added to a FIFO queue (the “bucket”) and rejected if bucket is full, requests in the buckets are processed at a constant pace
    • Pros -
      • allows bursting traffic tho they may not get processed immediately
      • memory efficient given a limitted queue size and in many case the queue is the same one for multi-threading
      • delivers const request processing rate so suitable for service requires that
    • Cons -
      • two parameters (bucket size + processing rate) making it harder to tune
  • Fixed Window Counter : count requests processed during a “time window” and reject request if the requests processed during the window reached max
    • Pros -
      • memory efficient – only need to store the count for current window
      • easy to implement
      • only one parameter
    • Cons -
      • does not support bursting requests
      • if 2 burst happened just between the edge of the window, the actual rate around the “window change” time can be higher than allowed
  • Sliding Window Counter : keep the number of requests processed in past minute and the requests processed so far in current minute, then calculate current count as a weighted average between request from past min and this min with the weight as “how long we have spent on this min”. For example if it has been 20s in the current minute then current_count = (20s/60s) * this_min_count + (40s/60s) * past_min_count
    • Pros -
      • support bursting request – the bursting requests are “smoothen” in this algorithm
      • memory efficient – only need to store the count for past and current time slot
      • easy to implement
      • only one parameter
    • Cons -
      • the current counter is a weighted average and is not super precise. Based on some use case it is reported that the error case of a sliding window counter throttling is less than 1% among 400 million request

Make The Solution Scalable

Making the rate limiter to be able to control a distributed system is significantly harder. But the following mental process may still be useful

  1. The first step is always to find an idea (or some ideas) to “make it work”
  2. Then we can start thinking of ways to optimize it either in terms of performance or cost

Make It Work

The most obvious challenge for a distributed rate limiter is that no matter what algorithm you use, you will need a centralized place to store the counter. If you can find such place, and make the counter support atomic operations then the above algorithm will still work with almost no adjustion.

Opotimize It

To optimize a problem, the most important thing is to understand WHAT YOU CAN COMPROMISE and WHAT YOU CAN NOT in this design. Here for the rate limiter

  • CAN compromise
    1. If count value is dropped (for example the value is not duplicated) we can easily start from 0 again which is not a big deal if we let by a bit more traffic for a few seconds
    2. If the check and edit of the count value is not strictly CAS which risk as let a few requests pass through the limiter which is also not a big problem
  • CAN NOT compromise
    1. The rate limiter must be fast enough

As a result, we do not require strong durability or consistency for the counter so the following optimizations can be considered

  1. Use memory-cached centralized storage such as Redis which flush in-memory data to disk periodically but for all customer I/O it serve directly from memory
  2. Allow rate limiter to do “read + atomic increase” instead of a CAS because a CAS is very likely to fail under high IOPS scenario
  3. Leverage geometric distribution of Redis servers to minimize network cost for rate limiter

Close The Loop

After designing the rate limiter, make sure to remember to HANDLE THE ERROR PROPERLY at the client side.